Tuesday, February 1, 2022As a homeowner, documenting receipts and invoices for big-item spending on renovations or improvements is highly effective during a claim process. You should ask your insurance consultant if your policy covers specific possessions separate from the house structure. READ MORE >>
Friday, January 7, 2022Maybe your New Year’s resolution was to renovate your home. Maybe you received a generous gift from a loved one. In the midst of all this excitement, did you think to discuss these new plans/gifts with your insurance consultant? READ MORE >>
Monday, December 6, 2021You discovered your business opportunity and you are forming relevant long term contacts to grow the business. In the midst of all this excitement and planning, have you consulted with all critical individuals to implement and achieve your business plan? Who would those resources be? READ MORE >>
Tuesday, November 2, 2021Many businesses do not have coverage for Employment Practices Liability (EPLI) and do not realize the importance of the coverage until it is too late and a suit has already been brought against them.
EPLI provides coverage for employers against suits and allegations from a potential hire to a fo... READ MORE >>
Friday, October 1, 2021Homeowner policies include coverage for your personal property which includes items such as clothing, electronics and furniture etc. There are two types of coverage options for your personal items. Replacement cost and actual cash value refers to how your homeowner policy reimburses you for damage to your personal items after a covered loss. READ MORE >>
Monday, August 2, 2021An important coverage available to both personal homeowners, dwelling and commercial buildings owners, is “Building Ordinance and Law Coverage”. This coverage is not normally included in commercial property policies, but can often be added by endorsement for an additional premium. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, June 2, 2021A flood is considered to be rising water coming from the outside in; whether caused by excess rain, storm surge, lake rise, etc. Flooding is not generally covered by homeowners insurance and you need specific flood coverage to be protected, when a flood occurs. Flood insurance rates in low to moderate flood zones are very affordable. READ MORE >>
Monday, May 3, 2021Whether insuring commercial or personal risk, just about everyone is interested in reducing their insurance premiums. Quite a few of my clients call in to say the same thing to me every year, “Joyce, I haven’t had claim in 20 years. I am frustrated with the cost to keep my insurance but is a requirement of my contracts with my clients. READ MORE >>
Monday, April 5, 2021The request to be added to a General Liability policy as an additional insured is very common and in many cases the policy will provide a Blanket Additional Insured endorsement.
It is very important to understand the Blanket Additional Insured endorsement since with most endorsements a contract... READ MORE >>
Tuesday, March 2, 2021Homeowners may think their policy offers coverage for all damages. This is a misconception and there are some key areas where you may need a separate policy or an endorsement to be fully protected. The most common is flood coverage. Unless you can endorse flood on your homeowners policy, a separate flood policy is required. READ MORE >>
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